Thursday, March 19, 2015


This must have followed us home from up North.  What a surprise to wake up to white stuff everywhere.  We turned the radio on to wait for news about schools.  The downside of living in Southern Utah is that there is very limited snow removal equipment.  The main roads become the priority which means possible problems for all the school buses getting the kids safely to school.

Just as Dave pulled into the school parking lot the report was school was open but it was up to parents they wanted to brave the weather and let their kids go.  No one would be marked absent or tardy.  Dave promptly told Rylee to hit the road.

Scrapping the windows???

Happy Monday
Interesting fact was the week before the weatherman were saying there was going to be snow.  We were at 70 degrees Friday.  They got it right we had approx 3 inches of the white stuff.

We promised Ryder he could build a snowman after school.  Oops!!!! the snow was melted there is always next time.

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