Sunday, November 10, 2013

6th Annual NICU Reunion

A mad dash was required from soccer to the NICU Reunion @ Staheli Farms.  The kids love going and playing on the farm.  The most amazing thing is watch the kids grow and enjoy their time there. This year was no different  there were families everywhere.  My biggest surprise is how many kids there were and how modern medicine and amazing people make this all possible.  The first event only had a handful of people attending.

Ride those ponies.
Train ride a must.
Rylee has confirmed that she is officially to big to ride.  That was her last one.
Only time will tell.

Petting the goats
2 hands required for the sheep.
Feeding the Llamas
These guys are new this year.
Pillow fight!!!
Roping the steers
How long will it take?
Cute faces in this crazy poster.
We forgot to tell Ryder which way was up.
Rope swing.
This was Reganne's favorite ride.  I was sure she would have blisters.
Time to go home.
The tractor must stay.
One for you Grandpa.
Please let me drive and I will shift.  Team work may make it possible.
\\It was a fun afternoon and everyone came home with smiles, sniffles, and runny noses.  Maybe housework will have to wait another week.  I am pooped.

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