Thursday, August 29, 2013

First Day of School

Where did the summer go?  That is the question echoing around town the past week.  Even the kids were asking the same thing.  We had so much fun that it's hard to get back into the school routine.  However, this year would be a different one for us.  

Starts 6th Grade at Sunrise Ridge Intermediate.
The bell rings @ 7:45 am.
We are joining the daily scramble in the parking lot getting inside the school on time.
So far so good.
Starts 3rd Grade w/ Mrs Karratti
She is having to adjust to being there without Rylee,
She is now the oldest one there and  is not sure she likes it.
Kindergarten w/ Mrs Guynn
He started a week later than the girls and is eager for a new adventure.
Found his seat and waited for the other kids to arrive.
Mrs. Guynn had them look at books at their tables until everyone arrived.
As the bell rang there were only 5 kids in the room.  As I was leaving there was a large crowd coming towards the class room.  Better late than never???
I made it Dad!!
The only way he would let me take any pictures so I could send one to Dad.

We have made it through the first of school.  Let the homework begin....

1 comment:

Susan said...

The early start times can be hard. We are dealing with early morning seminary now with Annalise. I would like to go back to the 7:50 school start time please.