Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Quick Trip to Bear Lake

Since we were driving this trip let's take the scenic route on home and visit my sister Sharai and her family.  We tried to program the GPS but without an exact address it wanted us to go down I-15.  Instead we took our chances and saw some pretty scenery.  We even found a car show that had some amazing cars that Dave really enjoyed looking at and even drooling a little.  We finally made it to Garden City and met up at Bear Lake Pizza.

Reganne made a new friend/Cousin Evie
Good pizza and a good visit with Sharai, Jordan, and Evie
Time to pose and trying to keep their eyes open long enough to take the picture.
My little sister.
I guess I will always be the smallest one in my family.  But I will never let them forget that I am the older sister.

We had a great visit and we were glad they took time out of their busy schedule to have dinner with us.    Little did we know that it was their busiest weekend of the year.  Thanks Jordan & Sharai for spending time with our crazy family.

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