Sunday, November 4, 2012

First Annual Spooky Town Far

The city tried out a new activity for Halloween with the Spooky Town Fair.  Town Square was fun with lot's of activities to play.  What should we do first?

 The Magi Show with Stan.
 Pirate dig... Can you find treasure.  Darn we missed out on the $500 cash prize
 Keep looking
 Press this button and what the bazooka explode.
 Bounce Houses 
 Let's do it again
 Wipe Out w/ Rylee
 Sword fights with free balloons.  Rylee's flower made a good sword
 Let's get into the game. WAIT... Don't hit me!!!
 Finally the train ride
Rylee declared she was too old to this ride.  It's a sad day in our family when it's no longer fun to ride the train.

Everyone was tired and ready to go home.  Too bad they discovered shortly that it was time to clean the house.  I would rate this activity about a 3.  If they do it next year better planning and maybe an entrance fee instead of paying for each activity.

Halloween Week is knocking on our door are we ready?

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