Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First Late Night Party

The kids have started begging to have sleepovers with their friends. I heard this great idea to have late nights with their friends. Then at the end of the night everyone goes home and sleeps in their own beds. I believe that our kids are still to young for sleepovers since on any given night somebody gets up and needs something. I am too tired to add additional kids that might require nightly assistance as well. So late nights are the perfect solution.

This week was Rylee's turn with her friend Jayce from summer camp. She came home with us after summer camp. There was dinner, secrets, pokemon cards, little sister, little brother, movies, and finally fingernail polish.

Painting fingernails.

They had a fun time and it was over by 9:00 and everyone then went to their own beds for a good night's sleep.

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