Thursday, April 28, 2011

2011 Dixie REA Kite Festival

The kids were so excited that the kite festival was finally here and they had completed their reading to earn a kite. Rylee was excited to perform with the choir. Reganne was excited this was her first one that she earned a kite. Ryder was excited to ride the school bus and train. Each one has a special memory from previous years and are eager to make new ones. The afternoon was full of games, friends, and rides.

Rylee and her crazy glasses.

Ryder throwing darts

Reganne riding the strawberries.

Rylee and the Choir

Ryder & Rylee riding the rockets.

What a great big sister riding along with him.

The train

Ryder woke up that moring telling me that he is a big boy and can ride by himself. Much to Rylee's disappointment he refused to let her sit by him.

If was a fun afternoon with lot's of sun and dust. We really like that we shared this fun filled day with Grandma JeanAnn and Grandpa Chris. I believe they went home and slept the week away.

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