Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter Outfits

Easter Sunday was a beautiful day. However, with General Conference they didn't get to wear their new outfits. The next Sunday became our Easter Parade and Fashion Show. This year after many failed attempts at finding Easter Dresses. I took the girls with me to pick their own dresses and try them on. These dresses were the final selection.

Reganne is going to be our fashion model when she grows up. She loves to pose in the strangest ways. I started snapping the camera since she was having so much fun.

Ryder & His Purple Tie
I started out with a green pastel tie to match the girls dresses. The tie was too small. Ryder then asked for a purple tie. I told him to ask his Dad. Dave just looked at him and rolled his eyes. Why not Blue? Ryder said no a purple tie. Lucky for me we found one that fit. He picked this one out at Kid to Kid. He was so proud to wear it. However, after church it was covered in nursery and bishop treats. I discovered that it could be washed and look as good as new.


So much for getting a group picture this year. Ryder took off running and the girls started fighting.

Happy Easter !!!

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