Sunday, July 19, 2009


I love watching my children reach milestones. When they were babies we eagerly waited for them roll over, situp, crawl, and then walk. Now as they are growing older the milestones are farther apart and not as noticeable. In someways much more important. This year Rylee hit a big one by learning how to read. She amazes me daily with her reading skills. I get chills everytime I catch her reading a book on her own. Everyone knows how important reading is, but to see someone learn this skill. It is truly amazing. This is a great milestone in our lives.

Reganne is really growing up. I have noticed this more the last couple of months. Gone is my little girl. Instead I have this young lady that wants to play with friends, socialize with everyone, and has her favorite Jonas Brother. She asked me the other day who my favorite was? I was speechless. I know who they are but beyond that I haven't a clue. She also loves to sing and quickly picks up songs off the radio or cd. She then will sing them at the top of her lungs. She can't wait to have her birthday so she can have a party and invite all of her friends.

Reganne hit an important milestone this week. She can write her name by herself. The most important part is that you can read it. When I found this picture in her cubie at school. I could have cried. Her name isn't the easiest to write or say. I love her name and it totally fits her. I get really frustrated with people when they mispronounce it. It's not that difficult. I really worried when I watched her about 6 months ago trying to write "R". She really struggled and quickly lost interest. Guess my surprise when I see that she can do it on her own. When I congratulated her and told her what a big girl she was. She said thanks and looked at me like I was crazy. It's just my name mom!

What milestones await us around the corner ???? Potty Training, Riding Bikes....

1 comment:

Susan said...

I felt sorry for Annalise when she was learning how to write her name. It's such a long name and I'd watch her friends - Tess & Sam - write their names with ease. In the beginning I would have to spell her name to her while she wrote them down. I was so excited when she could do it on her own.