Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July

We are having a long 4th of July weekend this year. It has been full of activities, friends, and food. Friday kicked off our weekend with work and daycare being closed. So off we went to the library and splash river downtown. We joined about 100 of our closet friends there. Everyone running around screaming and splashing about. Why do kids have to try and drink the water? Why do parents refuse to put swim diapers on their little ones? These are the questions I was asking myself as I watched my kids.

St George Town Square Splash River.

Saturday morning came the annual neighborhood parade and breakfast. We were excited to have Dad home with us. He was off for the holiday. Rylee was excited to ride her bike and had helped her dad decorate it. For once everyone was all smiles and looking at the camera. Breakfast soon followed and everyone devoured the food within about 10 minutes. It was starting to get really warm. We headed back home to the air conditioning and to rest.




We enjoyed a barbeque with our neighbors the DeMacedos. Then it was off to the fireworks downtown. Our usual spot this year was taped off with reserved signs. We had to locate a new spot and fast. Lucky for us we found on by the St George Temple. The kids loved their poppers. Ryder even tried them out this year. He would take him about three tries before he could hit them just right. He loved it and mimicked the girls and soon was having as much fun as they were.

We waited and waited and waited finally the fireworks were getting ready to start. Then all of a sudden the sprinklers kicked on. So much for sitting to enjoy the show. We all stood and watched a pretty good show.
Rylee: It is too loud.....Are they over yet?
Reganne: They hurt my ears......My feet hurt?
Ryder: Done???
It was a good show this year and the kids were all asleep within minutes of leaving the parking lot.
Rylee, Sammy DeMacedo, Reganne, Ryder
We had a fun day. Filled with Fun, Food, and Friends. What more could you ask for?

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