Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ryder is 18 Months

Our little boy hit another mile stone on March 18, 2009. He is 18 months old!!!!! It is hard to believe how much is has grown and changed. His official stats are:

18 pounds 14 ounces (with wet diaper)
29 1/2 inches long
46 cm Head Size
His doctors appointment was full of giggles and screaming. The giggles were for Rylee in keeping him entertained as we waited for the doctor to finish his rounds. The screams were courtesy of the intern physician's assistant. He wanted to check for seperation anxiety. Ryder showed him exactly how he felt about being separated and being touched by a stranger. He promptly fell asleep on my lap waiting for the doctor. He was happy until the shots. Again the screaming started until they gave him a sucker.

The first official day of nursery.
We went a couple weeks before to get him used to going. The leaders are so good that I was sure we would not have a problem. Surprise!!! He screamed for the first 1/2 hour with Dave in there with him. He then found the toys to play. Dave left. He came back to check on him. Not much surprise there he was screaming by the door trying to get out. I came to check with Dave and found them both on the floor outside of nursery. Ryder was still crying and holding a cookie. So much for staying today. He went to Relief Society with him and smiled at all the ladies as he lead the music with me.

We will try again after General Conference. Hopefully, he will start to have fun and want to go.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I hope he stays in nursery soon. I was always so glad when my girls went to nursery. By the time they were 18 months old it was hard to keep them quiet in class.