Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

We hope everyone has a Happy Easter. Our Easter activities were filled with rain and wind. So there weren't many pictures of the fun stuff to do in St George for Easter. Instead this is a week in review. We had a busy week full of extra activities.

We really enjoyed General Conference last week. We tried really hard to involve the kids, but as you can tell they were really excited about watching church on tv.

This year in school they had a "Meet The Masters" art program. Each month the kids learned about an American Artist and they tried to make their own picture. They were able to pick one picture to display in the schools art show. Rylee was so excited to share her picture. She is really getting to be a good artist.

Her Picture

Last weekend we went to the First Annual SkyWest Easter Egg Hunt. The kids weren't sure exactly what to do. They needed a little prompting. The hunt started at 10:00 and was over by 10:05.

Wow there is candy inside!!!
The neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt was to start at 9:00 yesterday. As we walked down to the starting point. We passed the house for the 0-2 year olds. Ryder saw all the eggs and made a run for it. Dave quickly grabbed him and of course he started to scream. He fussed until they said go. He quickly picked up his 12 eggs and wanted more. Notice the death grip on the basket.

Chloe isn't walking yet. So the bigger kids (haha) brought eggs to her and filled up her basket. Then the bigger kids came and filled up the other kids with the extra eggs. Ryder came home with about 20 eggs. It was time for the neighborhood breakfast. So much food and so little time to eat it. It started to rain and quickly turned to cold to be outside.

We decided to try the Easter Car Show in Hurricane. The ride was nice everyone was toasty warm. The rain hadn't arrived yet, but the wind greated us. Big surprise the car show was really small. We drove right on by.

We had an inside Easter day with our next event the egg toss. Ryder won this one hands down. He has a good arm and my floor was soon covered with plastic eggs. I gave up trying to pick up after him. He was to fast and I was to slow.

Today the weather is supposed to be better so hopefully they can wear their new Easter Outfits without a sweater.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I love the picture of the kids on the couch. That looks like us when we are watching conference. I guess we just get too comfortable watching it at home. Happy Easter to you all.