Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Dave

Dave celebrated his 43rd Birthday this week. Reganne & Rylee are becoming great party planners. Reganne decided Dad needed a cake. A boy cake to be exact. It should have Flounder on it and be a white cake with white frosting. I couldn't convice her that Dad doesn't like cake but loves cherry pie instead. Rylee remembers ages and loves to sing to them. Dad was to pick dinner for the night and he chose McDonalds with the playground. He also bought each of them Happy Meals. What a great dad!!! The girls talked him into playing wii dancing. Let's say everyone got a great workout.

I love this they are finally starting to play together. It lasted only about 10 minutes before they were tormenting each other, but I will take whatever I can get. For some reason they love playing with Ryder's head. They either are patting, pulling, or rubbing it. Reganne keeps trying to wrap things around his neck to make leashes. Maybe she thinks she will have more control over him.

Here is his latest playground is the table and chairs. He crawls in and out of the chairs. Then he pushes the chairs to another spot and does it again.

The Reflections Contest Winner's were announced this week. Rylee took 2nd place for the First Grade and in Visual Arts. The prize was a necklace which she wears constantly. She was so excited about winning. They had an assembly with the whole school and she had to go up in front of everyone. She is getting to be a good artist.

Reganne was so excited for soccer this week. She really wanted to play. However, that lasted until they took the field. She played more this week. She is always off to the side and not in the group. She would rather watch them and when it comes time to kick it in. She quickly volunteers.

The game is over for Reganne. She is done. She can be so dramatic and even more so with a crowd.
Game was over and back to the car. Ryder decided he wanted to walk and push the stroller like a big boy. He walk the whole way back to the car. This was with only a couple of stops. Oops!!! I forgot his shoes and his socks are now green.

1 comment:

Susan said...

What a great Dad you are, Dave. Taking the family to McDonalds for your birthday. That's my girls favorite place to eat. It looks like you had a great birthday.