Sunday, July 20, 2008

Watch Us Grow

This week started with planning for Pirate Day at Day Care. Rylee's class this week was all about pirates. They got to dress up and go on a scavenger hunt for treasure around town to the various parks. So here are my Pink Pirates. We had one problem Dad bought a package of eye patches & earings, but only one sword. So the fighting began over who got to play with the sword. Just as we were getting ready to leave on Tuesday Morning. The sword disappeared and could not be found. After begging, yelling, and threatening Reganne finally gave in and brought it back. She hid it in her shirt drawer underneath all of her shirts. The funny thing is I looked there and didn't see it. Needless to say that when this was over I put everything away. So no more fighting over this as least.

Dave found another project to work on outside. Of course it has been over 100 degrees with 40% Humidity. Reganne decided she wanted to help. She stayed right there with him the whole time with her shovel. She loves being outside with Dad and wants to do exactly what he is doing. Dave finished the side off with small pea gravel and it looks really nice.
Ryder is now constantly moving. He goes right for the stairs. So we figured putting the baby gate here was alot safer for everyone. So here he comes and what is this???? He then tries to pound on it and push it. Luckily it didn't fall on him. After three tries he gave up and when on down the hall to the bathroom. Lucky for me he is not pulling himself up yet. So he is limited to what he can get into. His trick for this week has been learning how to go from his belly, to his knees, and finally sitting back up again. Yesterday he finally started crawling on his hands and knees. But it only lasts for one or two steps and then back to his belly at full speed.
The girls can't pick him up because he is wiggly and we have told them not to. When we tell him to come back he just giggles at us. So Reganne decided enough already. She went over and grabbed his feet. She then pulls him to where ever she wants him to be. He of course is laughing the whole time. As soon as she lets go he is off again.
The sad part of the week was Dave's Uncle John McClellan passed away at the age of 87. We went to Richfield for the funeral. It was a really nice service and a nice day. The girls loved playing with their cousins. The sad part is there are were not may young kids to play with. This picture is of the house Dave's Dad grew up in.


Susan said...

It's cooled down here. Last week it was only in the mid 90s. Annalise went to camp last week which was nice. She had a great time and didn't get sick due to the heat.

Unknown said...

It's fun to see your kids doing what mine are doing. Rachel to has figured out how to go from crawling to sitting, Morgan loves to torment, and pull her around. The triplets of course learned how to take all their clothes off. What joy.