Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ryder's 9 Month Pictures

I am a little behind in posting these pictures. This is due to problems with Sears in getting them. He is growing so fast it makes my head spin. He is still working on crawling, but has discovered that he likes to stand and walk with help. He giggles the whole time. He also discovered that he can move beyond the family room and is now checking out the kitchen by doing a combination of army crawling and rolling. Yesterday he discovered that everyone was going downstairs. So he quickly followed and with no fear tried going down head first. Luck for us we weren't to far behind and quickly grabbed his feet. He is now fascinated by the stairs. Up went the gate and trapped the girls downstairs and him upstairs. So between all three wanting to go up and down I am ready to teach him how to move on them.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Very cute pictures!