Wednesday, January 1, 2025

It's A Crazy Week

I just can't help sharing the some of the craziness that seems to be catching. Buckle up and enjoy the ride or maybe nightmare. You be the judge.

Thrift store find.
Early birthday present for Reganne.
Hopefully, she will put them to good use.

Rylee's kitchen window
Good job at her latest DIY project.

Ranger found this lid
that Ava had been playing with.
He has really sharp teeth and punched several holes in it.
Big Boy needs more toys.

Sunday Dinner
Tried new way to cook potatoes.
Needed more seasoning per Ryder

WOW this picture brings back memories.
Dave confirmed not our old truck but it sure looks like it.

Hoping everyone is having a much calmer week. Maybe mine wasn't as crazy as it felt. I need a nap.