Sunday, July 21, 2024

Happy Birthday

To Me!! How did 58 happen so fast? I guess not as fast as it feels looking back. Time to have some fun with a birthday on Saturday.

What a great way to kick off
my birthday weekend.
I work with the best team. They always go the extra mile to make you feel special.

Birthday Treats!
I know the 90 Day Challenge only began 
But I'm taking my sugar day today.

Rylee's present 
T-shirt with Miss Indy on it.

Crumble Cookies
from Ryder

Which one to start with first.
I think I'm going to be sick from all the sugar.

Reganne's gift is massages for both of us at a later day.

My treat..a pedicure

One last act of service to make my birthday complete. Dave & I setup for the family luncheon for a member of our ward who passed away after having a long wonderful life. Harlan we will miss you. Here's to another year of working on being healthy and continued learning.

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