Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Quiet Part of the Week

Surprising as it seems that there is a quiet part of anything at our house. Check out these funny pictures off my camera roll.

Look Rylee I really
did wear your gift to work.
Everyone at work loved it.

Mother's Day activity
Lunch and bouquets for all team members 
and their moms

Our first (cheater) tomato of the season.
I have high hopes that we will have 
a whole lot more.

Random picture from Ryder
Ruston is replacing the AC at Grease Monkey.

Looks good mounted.
Let's hope they are cooler as well.

The boy with all his toys!
He is really starting young 
A chip off the old block.

Here's to another week starting off quiet and ending with a bang!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

DHHS Honors Night

The school year is coming to an end but before it does we must attend the DHHS Honor's Night. We received 2 invitations. One for High Honor Roll and the other didn't tell us anything. 

Sophomore High Honor Roll Recipients.
The group has had a cumulative 4.0 for 2 years.
The sophomore class 
needed 2 slides.

Surprise Award
Marketing Student of the Year.

Smaller group for the 
Business Career Paths

We are so proud of Ryder and his accomplishments this year. He was definitely surprised on the marketing award. He had no clue. He give 100% to everything he does expect maybe helping around the house. Bribery may need to get him to make time to help out.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Happy Birthday

To Me!! How did 58 happen so fast? I guess not as fast as it feels looking back. Time to have some fun with a birthday on Saturday.

What a great way to kick off
my birthday weekend.
I work with the best team. They always go the extra mile to make you feel special.

Birthday Treats!
I know the 90 Day Challenge only began 
But I'm taking my sugar day today.

Rylee's present 
T-shirt with Miss Indy on it.

Crumble Cookies
from Ryder

Which one to start with first.
I think I'm going to be sick from all the sugar.

Reganne's gift is massages for both of us at a later day.

My treat..a pedicure

One last act of service to make my birthday complete. Dave & I setup for the family luncheon for a member of our ward who passed away after having a long wonderful life. Harlan we will miss you. Here's to another year of working on being healthy and continued learning.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hello May!!

May is here and it's going to be another busy month. I'm not ready to another year older because I don't feel any wiser. Maybe things will get better in the next couple of days. May 1st is the start of DHC 90 Day Challenge. We paid our $20 and got prepared to give this a good shot.

Cake Sandwich
We had been wondering what is a "cake" sandwich.
The bread is baked in jelly roll pan.
Sliced down the middle, add toppings, and lots of mayo.
Not one I will try again.

Getting a start on our 30 minutes
of exercise daily.
Meeting up with Lizzy & Marissa.

A motorcycle accident right by Grease Monkey.
This doesn't make it easier to let Ryder ride his.

Let's get this month started!!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Golden Goggles Awards 2024

The swim year is coming to and end. Not without a party to celebrate their hard work and say goodbye to the seniors that will be moving onto new adventures.

Good crowd this year
Plenty of food for everyone.
Even hungry boys & girls after a hard practice.

IMX Award & scholar award

Are they paying attention?
Yes, but they can't leave their phones alone.

One last picture of
the Nat D Team
We wish them all good luck on their many adventures.

 Time to head home and get some sleep for school tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

2024 Long Course Kick Off Meet

Also known as 2024 Stingrays LC Kickoff. Also known as Long Course Kickoff!! Whatever name you call it be ready for shocked kids walking in and looking at the pools new setup. Hearing I have to swim that far?

The shock & awe
can be very overwhelming to every swimmer.
No matter their age.

I have never seen the bulkhead move.
Move the wheel and is slowly moves into place.

Egg Drop Event
Easter was last month.
Why would you drop Easter Eggs into the pool?
Since Easter changes each year. This meet doesn't change too much.
Let's have some fun.

Older boys 
Trying to decide whether they will jump in or not.
Ryder was dressed and ready to go home.
Peer pressure is alive and well.

Back in his suit
Now is the time to come up with a strategy.

Nat D Team
Ready to take the plunge.

Younger kids really cleaned up.
They had a lot of fun!

Who has the bag?

They also cleaned up!!
They had a lot of fun teasing each other.
Ultimately they shared all the loot.

It was a good meet to get a baseline for the whole season. I'm impressed with their hard work and determination.

Event #1    Mixed 100 Meter Back    4th Place    1:11.28
Event #3    Mixed 200 Meter IM    8th Place    2:36.23
Event #8    Mixed 200 Meter Free Relay    12th Place    2:12.94
Event #9    Mixed 400 Meter Free    4th Place    5:13.09
Event #10   Mixed 200 Meter Back    4th Place    2:37.54
Event #12    Mixed 200 Meter Free    3rd Place    2:22.40
Event #15    Mixed 100 Meter Fly    7th Place    1:16.10
Event #16    Mixed 200 Meter Medley Relay    3rd Place    2:21.03

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Road Trip

Dave & Ryder are off again. This trip has been in the plans since Christmas. It has had a lot of twists and turns in the past few days. New York, Houston, Denver, and finally Salt Lake City.

Proof of life 
as they board the flight.

Look at the leg room.
This one is totally lost on me

Made it to Lagoon
For a whole new adventure.

Look who has first class.
Not Dave!

Dave was supposed to 
volunteer with me to clean the new temple.
It's the cleanest place that requires daily cleanings.
It was a good night. It was also good to be back in the temple.

Ryder & Dave made it home exhausted. They had a great time riding every ride and hanging out with each other.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024


I am totally fascinated by hot air balloons! I love to watch them floating by or landing. I have yet to see one taking off. This time of year you can see multiples in the sky early in the morning. Imagine my surprise pulling into work and see one in the gravel parking lot by work.

Setup or take down?

It is huge

I had to go to work.
Caught another angle.

They are back after
another flight.

This is another thing to love about spring. Way too soon they will be all packed away as the temps continue to get higher. Until then I will watch and dream.