Sunday, June 23, 2024

Autorama 2024

Dave & Ryder have been planning to attend Autorama since last year. While they have fun with all the cars. I'm going to hang out with Grandma JeanAnn.   Let's have some fun.

Snow on the mountains
Blossoms in the valley.

Must try treats!!
Costco Cookie, Wendy's Orange Frosty
These were a must to share with mom.

Not sure what happened to the car show.
Let's check out motorcycles while we wait 
for Travis.

This I would have liked to see.

Dinner with the MacPhersons.
Jaxon had to try the Ghost Pepper . . . 
First bite the sweat began to pop out and soon his face was as bright as his
sweatshirt. It was fun hanging out.

Poor angle shot.
Look close at the bumper to bumper traffic going northbound.
Everyone heading home from spring break?
I did get my Sunday nap in the backseat.

It was a quick trip but we had enough time for fun, family, and cars. What more can you ask for? Ryder would say more cars.

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