Sunday, June 30, 2024

Off Again

Rylee is off again for a girls trip.... to Hawaii!! Lucky for me that Rylee shared her photos. Let's live vicariously through these pictures. 

Let vacation begin



Smell the ocean air

Wild life?



Beautiful girls

More wild life

Scenery or animals?

Horse riding
Didn't know she could ride.

It looks like an awesome trip. I hope someday when I grow up that we can visit as well.Bad news it's back to work for all of them.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Eclipse Plus

The world went crazy for a couple of hours. Watch the eclipse or rather not watching directly to avoid damaging your eyes.  People traveled long distances to get in the path and watch. We stayed home and watched the world go crazy.

The paper punch 
Watching it on the cement. It is also fascinating that it
would be an easy way to see the show.

Look close
You can see the variety of holes.
Many versions.

How about on tv?
There were many stations dedicated
to giving us the best angles.

Ryder's new motorcycle.
Or next flip.
Either way included another trip to Arizona to pick it up.

Sugar Free Candy
is always a cause of excitement.
Dave ate this bag and wasn't too impressed.
This is not a rush out and buy more.

Are you out of chocolate milk?
Send me a picture.
Nope, I have a couple of days before making
another trip to Walmart.

A little fun, craziness, and even more weirdness makes for an interesting week. Who knows what will happen next? Not me that's for sure.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Autorama 2024

Dave & Ryder have been planning to attend Autorama since last year. While they have fun with all the cars. I'm going to hang out with Grandma JeanAnn.   Let's have some fun.

Snow on the mountains
Blossoms in the valley.

Must try treats!!
Costco Cookie, Wendy's Orange Frosty
These were a must to share with mom.

Not sure what happened to the car show.
Let's check out motorcycles while we wait 
for Travis.

This I would have liked to see.

Dinner with the MacPhersons.
Jaxon had to try the Ghost Pepper . . . 
First bite the sweat began to pop out and soon his face was as bright as his
sweatshirt. It was fun hanging out.

Poor angle shot.
Look close at the bumper to bumper traffic going northbound.
Everyone heading home from spring break?
I did get my Sunday nap in the backseat.

It was a quick trip but we had enough time for fun, family, and cars. What more can you ask for? Ryder would say more cars.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Happy Birtbday Ms. Rylee

It's been another year and she's 22!! Let's celebrate her special day. Dinner, The Office, and maybe some treats.

Looking good!!

Miss Indy had to get into the action
and maybe a few bits of pizza.

Friends Party
Rylee needs to embrace her hobby full time.
She is an awesome party planner.

This setup is awesome!!


Her friend group
Celebrating her day.

Ruston was brave enough
to make an appearance with all these crazy girls.

Ms. Rylee
22 looks good on you!!

Here's to another year full of travel, food, clothes, and party planning. We love her and look forward to watching what you accomplish this next year..

Happy Birthday !!!!!


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Quick Glance

Into the chaos we call our everyday life. It is not just the humans but animals as well.

Play with me!!
Indy can be demanding especially when all is quiet.
She has the decapitate Costco Chicken.

Piper is patient
until she's not.
They wrestle like this for about 15 minutes or more.
Exhausted off to their spots to cool down and take a nap.

New Costco Chocolate Chip Cookie
This is definitely a keeper.
Crispy on the edges,
Gooey and chocolatey inside.
I will definitely be back for more.

How is it possible that Reganne's old PT Cruiser
is next to me at work?
Weird, but I have no idea of who it belongs to now.

A new month and possibly new adventures. Let's see what trouble we can get into.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Milestones & Meals

Take a breath and enjoy these milestones this past week.

Not a milestone but maybe a little
irritating more snow in Springville greeted 
Grandma after getting home from her visit with us.

Check this out!!
Dave found a new snack with no sugar.
Only thing is no other flavors are as friendly.

Congratulations Rylee!!
2 years is amazing! Keep up the good work.

Rescued Venus Flytrap
It is slowly coming back to life in my plant nursery.
Love the green shoots after a month of careful watering and sunshine.

Missing Dog!!
Nope just quietly hiding on her bed.
She refused to come out until her mom came home. She has been left one to many times 
this month. She wants to make sure she can sleep in her bed and not mine.

Sweet 16 Birthday for Cody with all the swim team.
It was to be a surprise.
However, everyone forgot one thing. Everyone quickly left practice to surprise him. Oops red flag that something was going on. He did have a good party. Even better he got his license.

Spring flowers
Love the new planters at the front door.

Who did what?
I was the one that signed for his drivers license so I am the one
who needs to sign for his learners permit for a motorcycle.
One rule is it requires a passenger at all times until he takes his test.
I got him good. He was definitely a little worried about that one.
We have had a lot of talk about safety not with just his driving but with all the craziness on the roads. The next 6 months or 6 years will be an adventure with him.

Rylee enjoying crepes.
I am very jealous!!

Have a great week full of your own milestones and throw in a few yummy meals.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Rain or Shine

It is always a guessing game in St George from February to June. In the morning you are cold running the heater to afternoons where you need the A/C. The Easter Bunny canceled his appearance at the BON Family Easter Party due to massive rain in the forecast. To be rescheduled for Wednesday. It turned out to be a beautiful night. Great food, a lot of fun with friends and families. 

It's now time for the Easter Egg Hunts

Ryder was so excited to give it a chance.

They were off
Ryder took it slow and methodical.

Waiting in line to see 
what he had won.
They came to help the employee's looks for a silver bar. Buried in the large corn field.
It was finally found around 11:00. The group had one shovel and 4 pair of hands.

Digby's  Car Show
Rylee & Dave hanging out together.

Grandma JeanAnn came for a visit while
Ryan and Jaxon were at ball games.
We came to hang out as well.
Rylee had bought a get to know your family game or trivia.
It was fun to hear each other's answers and learn more about our family.

Our cars look amazing.

Time for a break and try Digby's Market Dole Whips. Amazing!! The first lick takes you back to Disneyland. Mental note to have this again.

Movie time!!
Dave has a hard time sitting still on Saturdays.
Movies and popcorn do the trick.
This was a great movie a definite see.

It has been an exhausting week. Thank goodness there is nap time after church.