Sunday, February 23, 2020

2020 SUPAF Beginning Band

New adventures with a band student.  I remember by brother going to these every year but didn't understand what it was or what the kids do.  My schedule was pretty light at work so I volunteered to chaperone for the morning.  Ryder wasn't to anxious for me to go as surely as I would embarrass him.  He finally conceded as we were off.  Meeting the kids at 8:30 for a wild 3 mile bus ride with nervous kids, a whole grundle of instruments, and only 3 other adults.  I was on the red bus with Mrs. Wood and the noisy brass section.

We made it to DHHS I volunteered to stay with the bus and make sure everyone made it off.  More importantly inside and on stage.  Goal accomplished!!!

Setting Up

Tuning Up


Waiting patiently
They sounded really good.  This time you could understand what songs they were playing.  They also followed along really well with Mrs Wood.  I was tasked with recording the performance and didn't do to bad it you can stand the slight shaking.  It was then waiting for the next band to get ready to perform.  One minor hitch the buses hadn't shown up yet at that school.  Who was going next??

The kids were pretty good as waiting and not causing to many problems.  We got to watch 2 other schools perform and then it was time to find our bus.  A quick role call with too many names I didn't pronounce very well.  We headed back to school.  The kids were starving and so was I.  

We had a fun adventure and Ryder even thanked me for coming along.

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