Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Swim Wars & Swim A Thon

After the Golden Goggles Banquet it means it's time for fundraising.  Ryder has always been eager to get out there.  This year was a little rough with most people out of town or not home in the evenings after swim practice.  He did make his goal just in time for the swim a thon.

Sign in started at 4:00 at WCCC there weren't many kids this year.  Oops my mistake by they all came in after us.  Ryder always has to be there early.  The swimmers were ready to get started.  The timers were trying to find a comfortable spot without getting to wet.

The whistle blew and they were off.  Ryder & I can't agree on how far they had to swim.  To him it felt like 5 miles.  I think it was closer to 2 miles.  He did take a few breaks to answer questions and win a few prizes.  Then it was back into the pool and complete more laps.    He completed and was tired, hungry, and a little angry that I let his towel wet.

Dinner break and then time to party....

Dunking Tank

Ryder's up


and he is down!!!
They had fun dunking each other and chasing each other around the pool.  Ryder had a suit malfunction and we called it a night.  We didn't do the Lock In Lights Out this year since I had all my service hours in.  Ryder was exhausted and ready to crash into bed.

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