Sunday, December 10, 2017

CVE Storytelling Festival

Ryder was up for another new adventure at school.  CVE participates in the district Storytelling Festival which LVE didn't.  Ryder was excited to try it and learn how to do it.  They held workshops during lunch for one week teaching the kids how to perform and tell a story.  Then came the practicing, practicing, and more practicing.  Each time he tried different ways and tried to slow down.

Finally the big day arrived and he was ready to get it over with.  His group was "Fairytales" with 15 kids set to perform.

All the kids did really well.  There were a few with nerves, forgetting the story, and even talking way too fast.

They had great participation but only 3 from each group would move onto the district level.

Ryder scored 32 points out of 40 not quite enough to move on but enough to encourage him to try it again next year.  He learned one thing to get a longer story.  You can only stretch a story so far.

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