Sunday, July 16, 2017

Early 4th of July

We are getting an early start to the holiday.  The neighborhood as having a kids parade and breakfast at 9:00.  Ryder made sure I was awake, ready, and willing to make bacon for the breakfast.  We had to decide what is the perfect piece?  I like crispy and Ryder prefers chewy.  Solution...Have Ryder be in charge of cooking it.  He did good job cooking the package with a variety of crunchy, chewy, and left slimy out of it.

Ginger hoping that he will share.
Ryder doesn't share bacon with anyone.
Time for the parade or rather bike race down the street & back.

Great job decorating.

Lining up...
The parade lasted 5 minutes officially.  Unofficially the kids kept ridding back and forth having a great time.

It was time for another adventure... Going for a hike.  The day was already warming up so we needed to hurry and hit the trails before we started to melt.

Found a trail with water in hand.

10 minute hike to the top.
The view was awesome.  So much construction below.

Overlook Selfie

King of the Rock!
Thank goodness it wasn't a long hike.  We headed home with the a/c blasting away.  Time to for water, a nap, and lunch in that order.  

We needed to relax before the fireworks tonight.

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