Thursday, December 8, 2016

Dickens Festival 2016

We almost missed it this year due to toooo many activities every night.  Telling Ryder that we would skip it and the tears began.  It was time to slow down and do our best to keep this traditional alive for another year.  Reganne also reminded me that she needed to go to build her Discovery Bank for her choir class.  

Friday was the day and we were off......

Watching a performance
of the Nutcracker.
Racking up those points.

Starting his shopping for the sisters.
He even spent his own money

Our crew plus one
The crowds were pretty light and there was only a 5 minute wait to see Father Christmas. This is the first time in 14 years that we didn't have to wait in a long line.  However, there was a slight hiccup when the kids walked up to him.  He had lost a lot of weight and didn't have his usual smile???? Father Christmas had to recruit his number one helper to help out this year.  Due to health problems he was in the hospital and hoping to make a full recovery.

We had a great time and even got started on our Christmas shopping.  We finished in time to get the older girls to GeorgeFest Christmas they were eager to have a fun but freezing cold night.

I guess even though they are growing up and don't seem interested in family traditions.  Secretly down deep they don't really want to let go the silly traditions.

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