Sunday, November 29, 2015

Saying Goodbye

To our trusty van after all the many miles of hauling our family, friends, and too much sports equipment met it's end the first of the month on my way to work.  What I thought was a minor fender bender turned out to be a major one.  Never get in an accident on the way to work and on a busy street.  I received many text messages, neighbors stopping to check, and even co-workers on me later in the day.

Luckily nobody was hurt just shook up.  The downside was it was totaled which made us all really sad as we had to say goodbye before they towed it away. 

Doesn't look that bad to me.

Yet to the trained eye it was much worse.
So one car down and hopefully we can find something to replace it come spring time.  Rylee reminds me that I am now driving her future car and that I had better take care of it.

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