Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Waters Sports Update

Football Wednesday was in full swing with the Cowboys eager to get the game started.  Ryder was eager to start rushing and getting those flags.  There haven't been any easy wins this year instead a lot of hard work is required.  They played their hearts out but in the final minutes the other team scored a touchdown and won the game.

The boys kept on running around and tossing the ball between them.  It was great to see that they could all still have fun after a tough game.

Get those flags

Where are they???

Saturday afternoon the soccer whistle blew time to play.  It was only 75 degrees but we were the opposite side directly into the sun.  Guess who will bring a nice little sunburn.

Rage was eager to play too bad the referee kept getting in the way.  Reganne brought him to his knees with one kick of the ball.  I don't think he was moving too well afterwards either.  He had the war wounds to prove it.

Dig his moves.
He wouldn't move out of the middle so he got hit by the ball more than once.
Deflated ball equals a flying ball.
Reganne's kicks were going way further than before.  They pulled out the win with a score of 2-1.  When will the heat turn down a bit? Maybe next week?

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