Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Same Time Different Game

Having two games at the same time but on different fields makes Soccer Saturday a little tricky.  Thank goodness Dave was off and able to go with us.  He went with Reganne and I went with Ryder.  The kids were free to go to whichever one they wanted.  The weather was much cooler this week so the game was very enjoyable.  Ryder got right in and played.  However, he is still not wanting to get to close with the others start kicking.

He had a great time and even got close to making a goal.  Better luck next week.

It was time for lunch and to start our Halloween Activities.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

YEAH Soccer Saturday

We haven't had soccer games for the past 2 weeks.  Reganne was ready to get out and play.  They were missing 2 girls so everyone played the whole game.  The best part was Dad he finally got to watch a game.  The other team was another Little  Valley Team with girls from the neighborhood.

 Let's Play
 I need a rest
 Give me the ball.
 Wait bring it back
 Off and running again.

It was a good day for a game and to spend time outside.  Ryder's game was at the same time so I caught the last 1/2 and Dave took pictures.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad!!!!

The excitement around our house with Dave's Birthday this week was more than some of us could take.  Dave hates making a fuss over his birthday.  However, the kids wouldn't listen and it was time to party.  

 Presents... An awesome picture from Blake & Julie
 Let me see...
 Flashlights from Ryder.  One for you Dad and One for Me.

 Cherry Pie....  Dave's favorite
 Did  your wish come true???
Who can forget birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse....Not Dad.  A picture to remember it by.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall Break, UEA, or Deer Hunt Weekend

What school holiday is it this year?  Fall Break, UEA, or Deer Hunt???  This year it is Fall Break and the kids were out Thursday & Friday.  What can we do that would be fun???  How about a trip to Salt Lake to visit the zoo.  We have never been in the fall so it would be a first time for everything.  A trip to the zoo wouldn't be complete without visiting Grandma & Grandpa.  We even made a stop and Grandpa's work and he gave us a tour of where he works.  The kids loved seeing the various floors.  The kids also loved seeing the roof and looking over the valley.

 Playing with cousins
 What happened to Baby Owen??? He is growing up to fast.
 Next stop the zoo.  They have started the next habitat and the train is gone until 2014.
 We love the elephants and loved that baby.  He loved playing with the pipe.
 Everyone was having a good time just watching.
 Front row seats to watch the seals.
 And polar bears.
 He was really active and loved the attention.
 Giraffes were ready to eat.  They even had the baby out where you could see it.
 It was Wolf Day so everyone gathered around to watch the feeding and training session.  Too bad for Shawn that Reganne kept flipping around and hitting him in the face with her ponytail.  He was a good sport and didn't get too mad at her.
 They sprayed perfume around the enclosure and they went crazy trying to find where the scent was coming from.  They were amazing to watch.
Everyone was ready for a ride on the carousel.

I loved this trip to the zoo it was cooler, less crowds, active animals, and best of all the human animals were covered up.  It was a good trip and a good break from our crazy life.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Staheli Family Farm

We have had strange weather this week.  It started raining on Thursday afternoon in only parts of town.  Friday we woke up to cooler temperatures and by 8:30 it started to rain and hail.  I had only been inside the building for 5 minutes when the heavens opened and continued well into the afternoon.  Around 3:00 I received emails that the soccer games were cancelled due to how much rain we had.  Reganne was disappointed she wasn't going to get to play.

Time for Plan B....The NICU Reunion was going to be held from 9:00 to 1:00 at Staheli Family Farm and Corn Maze.  The kids were really excited to go to the corn maze since we drive past it almost daily.

Horse Swings....Who's turn to push?

 Mini Tractor...Ryder was the only one that could fit inside.
 New Feature....Mini Maze with Pirate Ship
 Cow Train
 WOW...Real Cows
 And Chickens
 Corn Maze....Everyone stay together and don't get lost or lose your shoes in the mud.
 Petting Zoo...Reganne loved feeding the animals
 Giant Bounce Pillow... Who can stand up?
 How high can you fly?  Not high enough.
Rope Swing....Shawn hang on tight.

This year I new even fewer people than years past.  Ryder was one of the older graduates there and didn't want anyone talking to him.  This hasn't changed.  They all had fun playing and were really sad when it was time to leave.  It's amazing to think that 5 years ago we would have still be in the NICU and now he is a happy healthy little boy full of promise.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Wisdom of a 5 Year Old

Ryder had his 5 year old check this past week  CONGRATULATION!!! he finally has hit the thirty pound mark.  He weighed in at 31 pounds minus his shoes.  He is also 39 inches tall.  This is only amazing if you take into account last year he was 28 pounds & 36 inches tall.  He is growing however slow it might be.

I forgot that the 5 year old checkup was more involved.  Finger poke, eye test, and pee in a cup.  He managed the first two with only slight hesitation.  The third he flatly refused claiming he didn't need to go potty.  We had a second visit from a student pa and he too tried to convince him to try.  I told him that everyone as some time in their life has to pee in a cup.  He replied even Joseph Smith?  I was now puzzled of how he made that jump.  I replied yes I bet he did.  Why??  When we visited his house we saw it.  Huh???

Do you mean Brigham Young?  Who??  Brigham Young who's house we visited earlier in the year and they had chamber pots sitting beside each bed.  The kids had been fascinated with the prospect of peeing in their bedrooms in a bowl.  However, they didn't like the idea of dumping them.

Ryder then agreed to try if I held the cup.  Good thing I have steady hands and he doesn't wiggle to much we had success in under a minute.

He was really lucky that he already had his shots for kindergarten, but the dreaded flu shot was still to come. We asked the Dr if he really needed one and the reply was YES!!!  I told Ryder that I would get mine at the same time.  Lucky for both of us they had the nasal spray vaccine.  Ryder demanded that I go first, not bad. His turn came and he did really well.  Good enough for a treat of a free ice cream cone.

He was pronounced Healthy and ready for school.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Family Photo Shoot 2012

Wow another year has passed and it's time to do family pictures.  Where do we go this year??  Nowhere that anyone can get hurt.  Oops that we mean we have to stay home.  Off we went to Tonaquint Nature Reserve.  This cool park & reserve should be fun for everyone.

 Why do we have to wait???
 Let's climb trees & rocks
 Waiting for everyone to get ready for the first family shot.
 Off and running to the bridge.  Too bad the sun was in the wrong place.
 Amphitheater...where does the trail lead?
 Let's do a show.
Who can be the craziest???
 One last stop...The duck pond.
Where's Steve the Muskrat from summer camp?

Thank's to Blake for taking the pictures again this year and being patient with everyone.  At one point we tried to get the kids to look down the path.  I yelled out "Look something is coming down the path"  Wrong thing to say instead of looking with their eyes they all started to run and look.  I messed up the picture and tested Blake's patience.

In a couple of weeks I will be ready to order our Christmas Cards for this year.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Blue Angels vs The Red Ninjas

Ryder's game was scheduled at 5:00 I worried when the email arrived that all games were delayed by three hours.  Lucky for all of us that didn't include the already late games.  We started right on time.

 Ryder got in and started by kicking the ball.
 Sidelines had to have popcorn for a treat.  They soon pulverized it into small pieces.  When they stood up there was white powder everywhere.  Maybe not such a good idea.
 Next came the tackling and pushing.
 Which one of us should kick?
 I guess the Red Ninjas
Good game.  Ryder even gave high fives this week.

Soccer Saturday drew to a close everyone was worn out and hungry.  Lucky for us Dad was just finishing work so we met him for dinner.  To bad Pizza Factory was packed instead we hit the Pasta Factory.  The kids all loved it.