Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dressing Ourselves

I have been working with the girls on getting dressed by themselves. Rylee of course can and does get dressed by herself. Reganne still wants mom to help her or if she moves slow enough mom will dress her. Ryder decided that it takes mom to long to get him ready. He wanted to try to dress himself for church. This is the child that cries if you take his clothes off. So he just wanted to add another layer. He is very good at putting his shoes on and most of the time they are on the right feet.

That is my sweater.
I think this is how you start

Houston, we have a problem. I can't this over my head.

Reganne decided this week that she needed to wear sunglasses to school. Then everyone needed glasses. Ryder broke one nice pair so out came the cheap party glasses. Ryder of course had to match Rylee with her pink ones. Reganne had to get her pose just right for the picture. We were then off to daycare / summer camp. The glasses didn't survive. Ryder arrived with both lenses missing. Reganne was missing one. Rylee took them off because they hurt her eyes.
So much for fashion or eye safety.
Friday afternoon Dave's mom was rushed the hospital after suffering a major heartattack. They quickly did surgery and found two blockages. She was then placed on life support. The doctors then told the family the next 12 hours would determine if should would survive or not. Saturday there was very little improvement. They decided as a family to turn off the life support. She passed away within 4 minutes. Dave flew to Salt Lake City to be with his dad, brothers, and sister. We are expecting the funeral to be later this week.
Nay Dean Stewart Waters
October 29, 1933 - June 13, 2009
We Love You Grandma

1 comment:

Susan said...

I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. Hugs to you and your family.