For family night this week I asked everyone what they were thankful for. Here are their answers:
- Rylee: My Family
- Reganne: Juice
- Ryder: My bottle
- Dave: Country, house, family
- Lori: Healthy kids
Jayce, Dakota, Ryder, Reganne, Rylee
After lap one. Look at that smile.
Reganne & her trophy
She was so excited to get the trophy, certificate, and goodie bag. She might just change her mind about soccer.
Here is Rylee getting ready for bowling with the teachers quorum and Dad.
Ryder was the lucky one who stayed and played with Dad and the Teachers.
Reganne "Ariel" doing a little dance. She didn't want to do any games. The she discovered that there was candy after you played. So then we had to go and do everything again.
Halloween started early on Friday. Rylee was able to dress up for school. Reganne and Ryder dressed up for Pajama Day at daycare. I was able to find Halloween Pajamas for Reganne. She was so excited and had to add the Princess Tiara to make the outfit complete. Ryder didn't want to pose or stand up for the picture.Next came the Halloween Parade at Little Valley Elemantary. I was suprised everyone dressed up from the teachers, students, janitors, and even the spectators. There were costumes every where.
I then took the kids to SkyWest for some trick or treating. We came away with full buckets and tired kids. But not too tired to do more trick or treating in the neighborhood. The loved it and the weather was perfect. NO coats or jackets required this year. We have so much candy that I think we will go into sugar shock if we don't watch it.