Sunday, June 29, 2008

Summer Vacation 2008

Our Mini Summer Vacation this year was to Salt Lake. We decided to combine a vacation with the baby blessing of our niece Holland. We decided after many years of not going to Lagoon. That would be our first stop and we had so much fun. Rylee was intimidated by the rides and really didn't want to ride, but sit and watch. Reganne wanted to try everything and refused to take no for an answer. Ryder was just happy to be outside and look at all the people.

This ride "The Samari" Reganne wanted to ride so bad. Of course she is not tall enough, she told grandma to pick her up and then she would be. Or she could reach up there with her hand. The only ride she did not like was the Tidelwave. She kept saying all afternoon that she didn't like that ride as we would walk by.
The girls loved having Brinton, Uncle Randy, and Uncle Bryan with them to ride the rides and play with them.
Here we are at the end of the day riding the train. Ryder got to go on this one and he was so excited to watch everthing go by.

Saturday it was on to the Discovery @ Gateway. This is a 60,000 square foot hands on play ground for the kids. We arrived at opening and stayed for over 6 hours. The kids loved all of the activities, games, and meeting new kids. There was also a play area for the little guys. Ryder played in there and was able to have his own fun.

They had different classes that the kids could make projects. This one was a sun visor. Even Ryder got into the act and Dave helped him make one.

Here is how our future vacations will be. Ryder driving, Rylee enjoying the ride, and Reganne taking orders.
Our final stop was to visit our Great Grandparents Ralph & Jennie Henderson. They were so excited to see and play with the kids.

It was a fun weekend filled with family and lots of fun. The kids were really worn out when we finally got home on Sunday night. Rylee was able to stay with Uncle Randy & Aunt Janelle. She had a blast and is already talking about going again next year.

1 comment:

Susan said...

It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. We enjoy seeing family when we can. It doesn't happen very often as we live in Timbuktu, oh I mean California.