Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Random Picture Weekend

These random pictures show what a crazy weekend we usually have between swim meets, thrifting, and new recipes that I make Dave & Ryder suffer through. 

Friday Night Meet
Ryder & I both timing.
One more week before his next checkup.

New recipe Chicken Spagetti with Rotell Tomatoes and real cheese
I refused to spend $10 for a brick of Velveeta.
It was yummy but made way too much.
2 thumbs up from Ryder & Dave but only make 1/2 so there isn't any leftovers.

Saturday thrifting
Who doesn't love Raggedy Ann & Andy around
the Christmas tree.
That would be Rylee of course.
Maybe a little poking for a laugh.

2 person ugly sweater
Could this win us a prize?
No selling Dave on wearing it with me.
It also was good for a laugh or 2.

Little Valley 4th Ward Primary
When we had a large primay with a lot of personality.
Love these kids.

4th Grade Utah History Project
Made by Rylee
Found it in her old closet. All that hard work
I couldn't just throw it away. Yet running out of space for all
the kids hard work.
This picture will have to be enough to at least remember.

Well we survived another week of random adventures. We are all hoping for peace and quiet in the really near future.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Family Pictures Behind The Scenes

It's been 2 years since we last had family pictures. The last ones were from Rylee's wedding. It is time for new ones.  Blake, Julie, and I picked a day, place, and time. Trying to schedule everyone is a challenge but we did it. Blake is so patient and somehow he gets everyone to look the same direction and at the same time. I thought it would get easier the older everyone got. Boy!! I have a lot to learn. Come have some fun with us.

Seegmiller Farm is the place
and after 3:00 is the time.

Horsing around 
is the game of the day.

Let's hope the donkey 
doesn't reach out for a quick nibble.
Ryder kept his eyes peeled for any movement.

New water feature?
If it's not new we sure haven't seen it before.
Rylee & Reganne wanted a sisters picture.

It's a wrap!!

Now we wait for Blake to work his magic. Everyone is tired and hungry. Time to eat and hopefully everyone agrees on Chuck a Rama. It was a successful afternoon. Stay tuned for the final master pieces.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Random Pictures

Fun pictures that tell a story with a few words.

Fresh picked squash
from the BON farm.
Everyone was welcome to take a couple.
I let them. 
No idea how to cook them or even if anyone would eat them.

Baby Rylee
A project that is demanding attention.
Gathering family pictures that need to be scanned
so we don't lose them in the future.
She still gives me this look if I annoy her.

Acceptance letter to NAU
Ryder has so many choices.

Lost all his skin in a fast ride.
Skeleton needs a name
Quick Halloween clean up was a good laugh for anyone who 
walking inside the garage.

Not a dull moment at our house whether it is the future or in the past we can find a good laugh. Or show our silly sides.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

2024 Greg Fernley Swim Meet

It's one of the biggest meets of the high school season with schools from across the state. From Logan to St George the kids arrive approx 650 are ready to swim. Ryder isn't swimming instead he will help out whereever needed. It's also a USA swimming meet so I am on deck as an official. The kids can pay $10 and have their times count for club as well as high school. One big problem....a water pipe issue put Utah Tech out of business. Quick thinking of coaches everything was moved to WCCC. Smaller pool means a whole lot of togetherness this weekend.

The girls tried to give Hunter a makeover.
Love his new hairdo.

Wall to wall people
Throw in tables for the snacks makes it a maze.

Another angle

Found the DHHS Team
Relaxing between events.

Found him taking a break.

The pool is the only place
with breathing space.

Plenty of good races this weekend. New swimmers are even looking really good. Firt half not many calls but a whole lot more in the second. One official was worried that we weren't making enough calls he wanted to go over each stroke. By the end of the meet he was convinced we did know what we were doing. I love officating however when in doubt the swimmer always wins. 

It's going to be a long month with meets every weekend.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Did You Vote?

I did! Voting is one thing I am passionate about doing every year since 1984. Being so excited to finally have my chance to vote at Shelley Elementary in American Fork. How much it has changed over the years. Going from schools, mailing ballots, dropboxes, and finally one of two locations in Washington County the Dixie Center. This year I had a little problem with my ballot and needed to vote in person. I was actually excited to feel the sizzle of energy in the air from other voters all waiting patiently to have their voices heard.

I was going to vote early to avoid the large crowds but had to wait until after staff meeting. As I pulled off the freeway I noticed that traffic was backed up and nobody was moving. As I slowly krept forward something was definitely going on. Maybe other's wanted to cast their votes early as well. NOPE!! It was construction with lane closures all around the Dixie Center. Traffic was moving at a snail's pace. Good news there was plenty of parking.

Lines were moving steadly
It felt like the lines at Chick fi lay as each 
registar called out when they were free.
A man with a red flag directed you where to go.

Another line?
This one for provisional ballots
Registering people to vote on the spot.
(new concept, great idea)

No line here
So many voting booths.
One computer to feed your final ballot into.

20 minutes later
The lines are getting longer.

Weird to see a police presense
Hopefully, they don't have anything to do today.

Look close...
My favorite rebel Tinfoil Hat Man.
Being direct by a sherriff's deputy to move his display.

I did it!!
I proudly wore my sticker all day.

Now the trick was getting to work with all the construction. 30 minutes later I pulled into the parking lot. This should have only taken 5 minutes. Why oh why does this city choose to start construction the day before the election day? No malice just a miscommunication was their reply when questioned by local businesses.

The lines were long as the day progress. The snarled traffic didn't make it easy for voters but they were determined. Let's hope the results are posted faster than the traffic.

I am proud to be an American and express my voice.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

What Do You Do

When your family goes out of town without you? It is very rare to be home alone for any amount of time. Dave & Ryder headed out early Saturday morning to for Salt Lake to look at a car. Another one to fix up and clean up for a profit.  It is also the first meet of the high school swim season. What better way to start the season than with a broken wrist. This is a good reason to miss this one and buy a car instead.

Oh what should I do with my day?

Utah Tech Women's Swim Team
Red & Blue Meet
Officiating at the college level lets give it a try.
I can't seem to get enough chlorine.

Hurricane, Pine View, and Desert Hills
Dual Meet @ WCCC
I'm not officiating but timing instead for this one.

Errand time
First time ever a front row parking spot at Smiths.

Are we out of food?
Not totally but stocking up by shopping the sales.
When Ryder get's home this will quickly vanish.

Photo courtesy of Rylee
Bath time for the grand dogs.
Ranger doesn't look to big in this tub.

Miss Indy looks even smaller
She is not pleased her dignity is bruised for sure.

Quiet time is over!!
The boys are back with their new project.

One day left of this weekend to relax and get a nap in. Then food prep all those groceries for the up coming week. Maybe even make a treat to two afterwards. First up is my nap.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Trip To The Specialist

Happy Tuesday!! We were able to get into the orthopedic specialist without much delay. One office had this opening and another required a weeks wait for the swelling to go down. We jumped on the first one of course. Diagnosis broken and treatment is a cast for 4 weeks. Then another checkup with x-rays to see how the healing is going. Possibly another 4 weeks in a cast. Ryder did request a water proof cast it possible.

New technology
A waterproof sleeve to start the process.

The arrow is pointing to the fracture.
Who knew that there were so many bones in the wrist.
I learned something new today.

Black cast of course
Wrapped in a pad to avoid turning his clothes black as well.

He is all clear to swim and continue with normal activities. If it starts hurting then take it easy. He needs to drain the cast after swimming. Then if it needs to be dried get the hair dryer and on a cold setting let it dry the cast out for you. Best of all no shots. Let's hope we all survive.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Just Like That

The fun ends with someone getting hurt. That someone one would be Mr. Ryder James. The boys thought it would be a good idea to throw Ryder up into the air. They forgot about the laws of gravity. What goes up must come down. It all happened so fast that they all forgot about catching him. He also learned he can't fly. It was a rough dance with paramedics called for another girl who had a concussion. So it would be a lot worse. The kids had Sophie's dad who is a doctor look at him. The wrist is probably broken but without an xray it's hard to tell. Go to Instacare in the morning.

It's broken
Temporary cast until a visit with an orthopedic specialist.

We need breakfast as Bishop's
Seasonal pumpkin pancakes with caramel sauce & whipped cream.
Definitely having these again.

The Nat D Team
All showing up to support Tony.
He is leaving on his mission to California.

A little brother 
getting in on the action.

Ryder & Josh
A matched set of broken wrists
Between them one full swimmer

Lunch with the gang

This group of awesome kids have grown up over the last couple of years. They are each building their own paths for the future. It is going to be fun to watch them move full steam ahead.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

School Dance Time!!

Sadies is always fun being girl's choice and Brynn asked Ryder to be her date. They got a later start since they were all participating at the swim meet this morning. I have the pictures to prove thay had a good time.

Brynn & Ryder

Being silly

Cool Kids

Brynn, Ryder, Cody, Erma

Group photo

The boys

It was only a matter of time
before the games begin with this group.

Hang on tight!!

The pose

The girls

Cookie Monster
Fun stuff they did before the dance.

Everyone had a good time together. Until at the dance......