Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Trip To The Specialist

Happy Tuesday!! We were able to get into the orthopedic specialist without much delay. One office had this opening and another required a weeks wait for the swelling to go down. We jumped on the first one of course. Diagnosis broken and treatment is a cast for 4 weeks. Then another checkup with x-rays to see how the healing is going. Possibly another 4 weeks in a cast. Ryder did request a water proof cast it possible.

New technology
A waterproof sleeve to start the process.

The arrow is pointing to the fracture.
Who knew that there were so many bones in the wrist.
I learned something new today.

Black cast of course
Wrapped in a pad to avoid turning his clothes black as well.

He is all clear to swim and continue with normal activities. If it starts hurting then take it easy. He needs to drain the cast after swimming. Then if it needs to be dried get the hair dryer and on a cold setting let it dry the cast out for you. Best of all no shots. Let's hope we all survive.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Just Like That

The fun ends with someone getting hurt. That someone one would be Mr. Ryder James. The boys thought it would be a good idea to throw Ryder up into the air. They forgot about the laws of gravity. What goes up must come down. It all happened so fast that they all forgot about catching him. He also learned he can't fly. It was a rough dance with paramedics called for another girl who had a concussion. So it would be a lot worse. The kids had Sophie's dad who is a doctor look at him. The wrist is probably broken but without an xray it's hard to tell. Go to Instacare in the morning.

It's broken
Temporary cast until a visit with an orthopedic specialist.

We need breakfast as Bishop's
Seasonal pumpkin pancakes with caramel sauce & whipped cream.
Definitely having these again.

The Nat D Team
All showing up to support Tony.
He is leaving on his mission to California.

A little brother 
getting in on the action.

Ryder & Josh
A matched set of broken wrists
Between them one full swimmer

Lunch with the gang

This group of awesome kids have grown up over the last couple of years. They are each building their own paths for the future. It is going to be fun to watch them move full steam ahead.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

School Dance Time!!

Sadies is always fun being girl's choice and Brynn asked Ryder to be her date. They got a later start since they were all participating at the swim meet this morning. I have the pictures to prove thay had a good time.

Brynn & Ryder

Being silly

Cool Kids

Brynn, Ryder, Cody, Erma

Group photo

The boys

It was only a matter of time
before the games begin with this group.

Hang on tight!!

The pose

The girls

Cookie Monster
Fun stuff they did before the dance.

Everyone had a good time together. Until at the dance......


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Stingrays Spooktacular - October 2024

It's another swim weekend and this time much closer to home at the WCCC. The kids are ready to swim, the officials are in place, and the starter is ready to call the first event.

All is calm for another
few seconds.

Hanging out
between warmups and cool downs.

Another group
Cheering for each other.

Everyone worked hard and had a successful meet. The energy can be felt inside, outside, and the stands. It's amazing to watch the athletes grow and progress at each meet.

Event #4    Mixed 13&O 100 Yard Breast    7th Place    1:12.31
Event #6    Mixed 11&O 200 Yard Fly    2nd Place    2:20.52
Event #12    Boys 13&O 200 Yard Free Relay    5th Place    2:00.52
Event #15    Mixed 200 Yard IM    3rd Place    2:10.84
Event #20    Mixed 11&O 200 Yard Breast    3rd Place    2:38.77
Event #30    Mixed 13&O 100 Yard Free    3rd Place    53.73
Event #32    Mixed 13&O 1650 Yard Free    1st Place    18:41.74
Event #50    Mixed 1000 Yard Free    1st Place    11:16.94


Sunday, February 2, 2025

It's Somebody's Birthday

It's October 23rd so it must be Dave's birthday. It's been a task trying to get everyone together to celebrate. Between work, swim, crazy sleep schedules the party would have to wait until the weekend. I had class until 7:00 and decided to surprise Dave with Costa Vida for dinner. Surprise!! Rylee stopped by to say hi and stayed for dinner. Ruston was flying over head and would be landing soon. Ryder was headed home from swim. Reganne was home and awake. Now could I remember all six orders?
Best unplanned birthday party.

Dave was in heaven
having everyone home.

No birthday cake
Nobody seemed mind.

It was a great dinner planned or not celebrating Dave on his actual birthday. I couldn't have planned it any better.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Fall Break

Our Fall Break was spent mostly in Las Vegas at the pool of course. Emily & Rachel came down for a quick visit as well.

It's Jaxon's pday in 
the Philippines
It was great to see him and the rest of the family.

Reganne is asking for a new pet.
She is getting really good and catching and releasing all creepy crawlies.

Grease Monkey had lunch
provided by one of the guys. I asked them to share with me.
This is the plate Ryder brought home for me.
They were awesome!!

Round 3 of financial aid forms
This time around the school provided food.
I am definitely not ready for him to move away from home.

It's going to be another busy weekend full of swimming, school dances, and let's not forget about all the weekly prep that is needed to make it through next week. I am already exhausted.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

2024 Sandpipers Pumpkin Invite

Has it been a whole year since we have heard "IT'S A PUMPKIN HEAT" well it has and we are back in Las Vegas. We are also so grateful that it's not 120 degrees. It's a balmy 75-80 depending on what time of day it is. It's time to swim.

Jimmy John's Signs
Love that each location has the same decor but with different signs.
I couldn't stop smiling with this. Guess where it leads you?

Carb loading 

What is going on with the line?
Early voting started today. 
This line was like this all day until the doors closed.
The election is 2 weeks away. Is this a good sign?

Olympic Swimmer..Katie Grimms

Amazing to watch 2 Olympians 
swimming side by side.
Our girls were able to swim side by side
Everyone was a little star struck.


Ryder & Cody
In & Out for dinner.
While we drove home Ryder stayed with the Judd's for the night.

A little chillier today
All smiles for a quick team picture.

Ryder & Sebastian Wrona
These 2 have competed since 10 years old. 
He came to say goodbye to the team.

The kids have been working hard getting into shape for short course. They are on the right track.

Event #50    Boys 15&O 100 Yard Fly    23rd Place    59.37
Event #54    Boys 15&O 200 Yard Back    16th Place    2:09.49
Event #62    Boys 15&O 200 Yard IM    13th Place    2:08.63
Event #64    Boys 13&O 400 Yard IM    17th Place    4:41.12
Event #72    Boys 15&O 100 Yard Back    20th Place    1:01.12
Event #84    Boys 15&O 200 Yard Free    21st Place    1:55.74