Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Did You Vote?

I did! Voting is one thing I am passionate about doing every year since 1984. Being so excited to finally have my chance to vote at Shelley Elementary in American Fork. How much it has changed over the years. Going from schools, mailing ballots, dropboxes, and finally one of two locations in Washington County the Dixie Center. This year I had a little problem with my ballot and needed to vote in person. I was actually excited to feel the sizzle of energy in the air from other voters all waiting patiently to have their voices heard.

I was going to vote early to avoid the large crowds but had to wait until after staff meeting. As I pulled off the freeway I noticed that traffic was backed up and nobody was moving. As I slowly krept forward something was definitely going on. Maybe other's wanted to cast their votes early as well. NOPE!! It was construction with lane closures all around the Dixie Center. Traffic was moving at a snail's pace. Good news there was plenty of parking.

Lines were moving steadly
It felt like the lines at Chick fi lay as each 
registar called out when they were free.
A man with a red flag directed you where to go.

Another line?
This one for provisional ballots
Registering people to vote on the spot.
(new concept, great idea)

No line here
So many voting booths.
One computer to feed your final ballot into.

20 minutes later
The lines are getting longer.

Weird to see a police presense
Hopefully, they don't have anything to do today.

Look close...
My favorite rebel Tinfoil Hat Man.
Being direct by a sherriff's deputy to move his display.

I did it!!
I proudly wore my sticker all day.

Now the trick was getting to work with all the construction. 30 minutes later I pulled into the parking lot. This should have only taken 5 minutes. Why oh why does this city choose to start construction the day before the election day? No malice just a miscommunication was their reply when questioned by local businesses.

The lines were long as the day progress. The snarled traffic didn't make it easy for voters but they were determined. Let's hope the results are posted faster than the traffic.

I am proud to be an American and express my voice.

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