Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Great Outdoors

The weather has been so nice this week and not so hot. We have been able to spend more time outside. Ryder starts screaming now when Dave walks out of the room. He is sure that his dad is going outside without him. All the kids have one thing in comman they love playing with the rocks outside. Whether it is climbing on them, throwing them, and yes eating them.
Dave was cleaning the garage up and the girls wanted to help. Here they are with their rags cleaning of Dad's tools. They were fighting over wearing the swim goggles and this was Rylee's turn to wear them.
Ryder was also outside crawling around and he discovered the motorcycle. He sat and stared at it for a long time. The slowly crawled over and touched it with this finger. Then it was all over he started pushing on it and pounding on it. I tried taking him inside and he started screaming and throwing himself. I tried sitting him on the motorcycle and he loved it. Dave decided to give him a ride. The pictures speak loud and clear. He Loved It!!!! He held on so tight the whole time. We couldn't get him off.
Ryder discovered that Dad, Mom, and Rylee were outside. He wanted out now!!!
Rylee passed her Karate test from last weekend. She was the first to test and in front of the whole school. She only knew 2 others there and passed with one of the highest scores. On Thursday she was awarded her Orange Belt.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Water's Olympics

We have had a pretty quiet week just enjoying being together and watching the Olympics. This is really the first time the kids have really watched it and enjoyed it. They have loved the gymnastics, swimming, and diving. Here are a few new events that we could enter.
Rylee for losing the most teeth. She loves to smile at people and show that big hole in her mouth. She however struggles to eat the things she wants to and asks how to eat. Corn on the cob being one of them.
Ryder's event would be speed crawling. He can move from one room to another faster than I can keep up with him. He also will climb over anything in his way instead of going around. He has figured out how to hold the bottle in his mouth as he crawls along. Then he can take pit stops along his way.
Regannes' event is walking or running the dog in flip flops. Every morning she is up at the latest 6:00 am ready to walk Harley with me. She puts on her flip flops and off we go. She usually runs the whole way dragging Harley behind her. She dressed herself for this picture and even removed the tags herself (with her teeth). Thanks Grandma for the shirts.
It was so hot yesterday after visiting the Corn Festival. We decided to get the little pool out to play. Their next event was diving. Reganne started off and that's when we decided that she had watched to much of the diving competitions. She jumped and landed in the pool with a big splash and a smile.

Ryder decided it was to cold and that he didn't want to sit down. He and Harley played on the side.No speedo's for this boy. His Car's Swimsuit is like wearing long pants. He soon was only in his swim diaper so he could move.

We will missing the Olympics as they end today. We look forward to them again in two years and this time it will be for winter fun.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

New School Year

The new school year started this week. Even though it still feels like summer and its still hot like summer. Rylee started First Grade on Tuesday. Her teacher is Mrs Torgerson and she has 19 kids in her class. After her first day I asked her how she like school? She said it is awesome!!! Hot Lunch was the best food she has ever ate. Besides yours Mom. She is amazed that she has 3 recesses each day. She is starting out really good the papers she has brought home all have A's or 100 percent. She is really proud of those and won't let me throw them away.

She was so excited to see her friends and play again with them each day. She is so tired when she gets home and starving. That she needs food right now or she will die. When bed time comes she is now the first one asleep and the last one to get up. This is going to be a fun year to watch her grow up.

Rylee and her backpack. Today it was way to heavy to carry with all of the school supplies.
Reganne also had to have her picture. She doesn't understand why she can't go to school with Rylee. She tells me that she is 6 and where is her class.
All three kids are starting to rough house together. Ryder loves being in the middle of it. I just missed with this picture him throwing himself at them. They all were laughing. When I tried to get this picture they all stopped and looked at me. Then it was over. Picture moments can be ruined by the camera.
The fun has begun. Ryder is all over the place. Today he decided to climb under the table and play with our feet. I could hear him but couldn't see him. When I looked under the table there he was smiling back at me. After this he couldn't figure out how to get back out. Luckily he is still small enough that he doesn't bump his head. He has enough bumps and bruises. He knees and feet I think have changed colors to black. I decided that my floors aren't as clean as they should be by looking at him. He is all boy!!!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Flat Stanley

This summer our day care decided to do Flat Stanley to see where he could go. So far he has been to Disneyland, Canada, and Mexico. So we decided to take him with us to Santaquin, Utah. Here is out plane ride and all smiles. Rylee made sure he was buckled in and could see out the window.

Rylee, Reganne, and Cousin Brinton letting Stanley play with toys in Spanish Fork, Utah
Rylee, Grandma "Mawca" letting Stanley play at the park in Santaquin, Utah
Ryder, Grandma "Mawca", Reganne, and Stanley. Ryder he looks good enough to eat. Rylee, Uncle Randy, Cousin Holland, and Stanley playing with the baby.
Rylee, Reganne, and Stanley at the airport checking out flights.....Where should they go next???
Rylee, Reganne, and Stanley at the airport on the escalators home is our next stop. What a busy day.

Summer is Winding Down.......

The summer is not officially over, but summer play time is coming to an end for us. This was our final week of play before school starts. We tried to fit a lot in and are worn out now. The great news of the week is gas finally fell below $4.00 and as of Friday some stations were at $3.97. It seems silly to get excited about that, but what a summer to remember our high here in St. George was $4.39. We went to the Biggs Family Reunion in Santaquin yesterday. The kids had so much fun getting to know new cousins and play in a new park with new things to see and do.

Ryder discovered his bottle this week sitting on the table. He quickly pulled himself up and started drinking it. He forgot he still had to sit back down. So this is were I found him standing and drinking as fast as he could. After this picture I sat him back down with the bottle still attached. He looked up and gave me a big smile. I could hear him say "Thanks Mom"
Ryder and Grandma "Mawca" at the Reunion.
Brylee & Bailey blowing bubbles...who could blow the biggest....
Dave, Holland, and Janelle
Krisanne, Ryder, Kassidy
There was a raffle during the reunion and Reganne wanted the bubble gum. She loves it!!!!! Uncle Ernst found a $5 dollar bill I accidentally dropped and quickly bought Reganne all the tickets should could want. She quickly put over half in the bubble gum cup. She told everyone that it was going to be hers. The name they read was Baileys. Bailey guickly gave to Reganne and told her she won. She was so excited and asked everyone if they wanted gum. She loved to share. She also won jewelry and perfume. Needless to say we hoped that the gum would not make it through security at the airport. SURPRISE!!!!! it was individually wrapped so no problem. Now, I have the problem all that bubble gum and what to do with it. I think it is going to day care to be shared with all her friends.
Aunt Joan, Uncle Bob, and Uncle Stanley
Jason & Camielle, newly engaged. The wedding date has been set to October 17th. Could those smiles get any bigger??

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summer Fun

This week has been relatively quiet. We stayed and played at home. Reganne had been trying to get Dave to take her to feed the ducks. Last time we tried it rained and they couldn't get out of the car. Sunday after church was perfect and so off we went. Reganne made sure that we had enough bread to feed them. When we got there the ducks were not hungry....

They all but ignored us.... until the turtles discovered the bread. This is the first time that we have seen turtles here. They were quickly eating before the ducks arrived. Sure enough after about 5 minutes the ducks were right there and snapping at the turtles. What fun to see.
Ryder had to stay in his car seat. He is now moving great on his own. We didn't want to fish him out of the pond.
He is now moving really good by crawling. He follows me every where. The best is when you feel those cold little fingers crawling up your legs. He pulls himself up to whatever he can find and doesn't care if it is sturdy or not. So he has a new knot on his forehead from trying to climb the coffee table and his pajamas got in the way and down he went. His new favorite spot is the back entry where he can play in the girl's baskets and Harley's food. So far he hasn't tried any, but the girls have dropped their cereal and he thought it tasted great.