Sunday, March 2, 2025

2024 Greg Fernley Swim Meet

It's one of the biggest meets of the high school season with schools from across the state. From Logan to St George the kids arrive approx 650 are ready to swim. Ryder isn't swimming instead he will help out whereever needed. It's also a USA swimming meet so I am on deck as an official. The kids can pay $10 and have their times count for club as well as high school. One big problem....a water pipe issue put Utah Tech out of business. Quick thinking of coaches everything was moved to WCCC. Smaller pool means a whole lot of togetherness this weekend.

The girls tried to give Hunter a makeover.
Love his new hairdo.

Wall to wall people
Throw in tables for the snacks makes it a maze.

Another angle

Found the DHHS Team
Relaxing between events.

Found him taking a break.

The pool is the only place
with breathing space.

Plenty of good races this weekend. New swimmers are even looking really good. Firt half not many calls but a whole lot more in the second. One official was worried that we weren't making enough calls he wanted to go over each stroke. By the end of the meet he was convinced we did know what we were doing. I love officating however when in doubt the swimmer always wins. 

It's going to be a long month with meets every weekend.

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