Sunday, February 23, 2025

What Do You Do

When your family goes out of town without you? It is very rare to be home alone for any amount of time. Dave & Ryder headed out early Saturday morning to for Salt Lake to look at a car. Another one to fix up and clean up for a profit.  It is also the first meet of the high school swim season. What better way to start the season than with a broken wrist. This is a good reason to miss this one and buy a car instead.

Oh what should I do with my day?

Utah Tech Women's Swim Team
Red & Blue Meet
Officiating at the college level lets give it a try.
I can't seem to get enough chlorine.

Hurricane, Pine View, and Desert Hills
Dual Meet @ WCCC
I'm not officiating but timing instead for this one.

Errand time
First time ever a front row parking spot at Smiths.

Are we out of food?
Not totally but stocking up by shopping the sales.
When Ryder get's home this will quickly vanish.

Photo courtesy of Rylee
Bath time for the grand dogs.
Ranger doesn't look to big in this tub.

Miss Indy looks even smaller
She is not pleased her dignity is bruised for sure.

Quiet time is over!!
The boys are back with their new project.

One day left of this weekend to relax and get a nap in. Then food prep all those groceries for the up coming week. Maybe even make a treat to two afterwards. First up is my nap.

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